Source code for skqulacs.qnn.solver

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy.optimize import minimize

CostFunc = Callable[[List[float], NDArray[np.float_], NDArray[np.float_]], float]
Jacobian = Callable[
    [List[float], NDArray[np.float_], NDArray[np.float_]], NDArray[np.float_]

[docs]class Solver(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def run( self, cost_func: CostFunc, jac: Jacobian, theta: List[float], x: NDArray[np.float_], y: NDArray[np.float_], maxiter: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: """Run optimizer for given initial parameters and data. Args: theta: Initial value of parameters to optimize. x: Data to use in optimization. y: Data to use in optimization. maxiter: Maximum iteration count in optimization. Returns: (loss, theta_opt): Loss and parameters after optimization. """ pass
[docs]@dataclass class NelderMead(Solver):
[docs] def run( self, cost_func: CostFunc, jac: Jacobian, theta: List[float], x: NDArray[np.float_], y: NDArray[np.float_], maxiter: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: result = minimize( cost_func, theta, args=(x, y), method="Nelder-Mead", options={"maxiter": maxiter}, ) loss = theta_opt = result.x return loss, theta_opt
[docs]@dataclass class Bfgs(Solver):
[docs] def run( self, cost_func: CostFunc, jac: Jacobian, theta: List[float], x: NDArray[np.float_], y: NDArray[np.float_], maxiter: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: result = minimize( cost_func, theta, args=(x, y), method="BFGS", jac=jac, options={"disp": True, "maxiter": maxiter}, ) loss = theta_opt = result.x return loss, theta_opt
[docs]@dataclass class Adam(Solver): callback: Optional[Callable[[List[float]], None]] = None tolerance: float = 1e-4 n_iter_no_change: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def run( self, cost_func: CostFunc, jac: Jacobian, theta: List[float], x: NDArray[np.float_], y: NDArray[np.float_], maxiter: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: pr_A = 0.02 pr_Bi = 0.8 pr_Bt = 0.995 pr_ips = 1e-6 # Above is hyper parameters. Bix = 0.0 Btx = 0.0 moment = np.zeros(len(theta)) vel = 0 theta_now = theta maxiter *= len(x) prev_cost = cost_func(theta_now, x, y) no_change = 0 for iter in range(0, maxiter, 5): grad = jac( theta_now, x[iter % len(x) : iter % len(x) + 5], y[iter % len(y) : iter % len(y) + 5], ) moment = moment * pr_Bi + (1 - pr_Bi) * grad vel = vel * pr_Bt + (1 - pr_Bt) *, grad) Bix = Bix * pr_Bi + (1 - pr_Bi) Btx = Btx * pr_Bt + (1 - pr_Bt) theta_now -= pr_A / (((vel / Btx) ** 0.5) + pr_ips) * (moment / Bix) if (self.n_iter_no_change is not None) and (iter % len(x) < 5): if self.callback is not None: self.callback(theta_now) now_cost = cost_func(theta_now, x, y) if prev_cost - self.tolerance < now_cost: no_change = no_change + 1 if no_change >= self.n_iter_no_change: break else: no_change = 0 prev_cost = now_cost loss = cost_func(theta_now, x, y) theta_opt = theta_now return loss, theta_opt
[docs]@dataclass class GradientDescent(Solver):
[docs] def run( self, cost_func: CostFunc, jac: Jacobian, theta: List[float], x: NDArray[np.float_], y: NDArray[np.float_], lr: float = 0.1, ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: theta_now = theta grad = jac( theta_now, x, y, ) # make gradient step new_theta = theta - lr * grad # compute loss loss = cost_func(new_theta, x, y) return loss, new_theta