Source code for qulacsvis.visualization.matplotlib

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from typing_extensions import Final

from ..models.circuit import CircuitData, ControlQubitInfo, GateData
from ..utils.gate import grouping_adjacent_gates, to_latex_style



GATE_MARGIN_RIGHT: Final[float] = 0.25
GATE_MARGIN_LEFT: Final[float] = 0.25
GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM: Final[float] = 0.25
GATE_MARGIN_TOP: Final[float] = 0.25


PORDER_LINE: Final[int] = 2
PORDER_GATE: Final[int] = 3
PORDER_TEXT: Final[int] = 4

def _calc_gate_width(gate: GateData) -> float:
    except KeyError:
        char_width = 0.2
        width += (len( - 3) * char_width

    return width

[docs]class MPLCircuitlDrawer: """ Drawing a circuit using Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- circuit : CircuitData A quantum circuit to be drawn. dpi : int optional default=72 The resolution of the figure. scale : float optional default=0.6 The scale of the figure. Attributes ---------- _figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure of the circuit. _ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes of the figure. _circuit : CircuitData The quantum circuit to be drawn. _fig_scale_factor : float The scale factor of the figure. Examples -------- >>> from qulacs import QuantumCircuit >>> from qulacsvis.qulacs.circuit import to_model >>> from qulacsvis.visualization import MPLCircuitlDrawer >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> circuit = QuantumCircuit(3) >>> circuit.add_X_gate(0) >>> circuit.add_Y_gate(1) >>> circuit.add_Z_gate(2) >>> >>> drawer = MPLCircuitlDrawer(to_model(circuit)) >>> drawer.draw() >>> """ def __init__( self, circuit: CircuitData, *, dpi: int = 72, scale: float = 0.6, ): self._figure = plt.figure(dpi=dpi) self._figure.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) self._ax = self._figure.add_subplot(111) self._ax.set_aspect("equal") self._ax.axis("off") self._circuit = circuit self._fig_scale_factor = scale self._layer_width: List[float] = [] def _calc_layer_width(self) -> None: circuit_qubit_count = self._circuit.qubit_count circuit_layer_count = self._circuit.layer_count for layer in range(circuit_layer_count): max_width = 0.0 for qubit in range(circuit_qubit_count): gate = self._circuit.gates[qubit][layer] max_width = max(max_width, _calc_gate_width(gate)) self._layer_width.append(max_width) # When the input is an empty quantum circuit if self._layer_width == []: self._layer_width = [GATE_DEFAULT_WIDTH]
[docs] def draw( self, *, debug: bool = False, filename: Optional[str] = None ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Draw the circuit. Parameters ---------- debug : bool optional default=False If True, draw the circuit with the axes of the figure. filename : Optional[str] optional default=None File name to save the drawing mpl image Returns ------- self._figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure of the circuit. """ if debug: self._ax.axis("on") self._ax.grid() circuit_qubit_count = self._circuit.qubit_count circuit_layer_count = self._circuit.layer_count self._calc_layer_width() # X/Y coordinates of the area where the circuit will be drawn. # Used to resize the figure. # In particular, the X coordinate is also used # as the right end (max_x) and left end (min_x) coordinates of the circuit wire. circuit_max_x = ( sum(self._layer_width) + circuit_layer_count * (GATE_MARGIN_RIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_LEFT) - self._layer_width[0] / 2 ) circuit_min_x = -self._layer_width[0] / 2 - GATE_MARGIN_LEFT - GATE_MARGIN_RIGHT circuit_max_y = ( circuit_qubit_count * (GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_TOP + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM) - GATE_MARGIN_TOP - GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM - GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2 ) # Determine the size of the figure (drawing size of the circuit + margins) QUBIT_LABEL_WIDTH = 2 self._ax.set_xlim( circuit_min_x - QUBIT_LABEL_WIDTH, circuit_max_x + CIRCUIT_MARGIN ) self._ax.set_ylim( circuit_max_y + CIRCUIT_MARGIN, -GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2 - CIRCUIT_MARGIN, ) # Enlarge/reduce the shape while keeping the aspect ratio fig_width = abs(self._ax.get_xlim()[1] - self._ax.get_xlim()[0]) fig_heigth = abs(self._ax.get_ylim()[1] - self._ax.get_ylim()[0]) self._figure.set_size_inches( fig_width * self._fig_scale_factor, fig_heigth * self._fig_scale_factor ) # Draw a Qubit label for the number of Qubits in the quantum circuit and a wire for qubit in range(circuit_qubit_count): line_ypos = qubit * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_TOP + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM ) self._text( circuit_min_x - 1, line_ypos, r"$q_{" + str(qubit) + r"}$", fontsize=30, ) self._line( (circuit_min_x, line_ypos), ( circuit_max_x, line_ypos, ), ) # x-coordinate of the layer currently being drawn layer_xpos = 0.0 # Draw a gate for each layer for layer in range(circuit_layer_count): for qubit in range(circuit_qubit_count): gate = self._circuit.gates[qubit][layer] qubit_ypos = qubit * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_TOP + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM ) if == "ghost": continue elif == "wire": continue elif == "CNOT": self._cnot(gate, (layer_xpos, qubit_ypos)) elif == "Toffoli": self._cnot(gate, (layer_xpos, qubit_ypos)) elif == "SWAP": self._swap(gate, (layer_xpos, qubit_ypos)) elif len(gate.target_bits) > 1: self._multi_gate(gate, (layer_xpos, qubit_ypos)) else: self._gate_with_size(gate, (layer_xpos, qubit_ypos), 1) # Determine the x-coordinate of the next layer if layer < circuit_layer_count - 1: layer_xpos += ( (self._layer_width[layer] + self._layer_width[layer + 1]) * 0.5 + GATE_MARGIN_RIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_LEFT ) if filename: self._figure.savefig( filename, # need some options? ) if matplotlib.get_backend() in MATPLOTLIB_INLINE_BACKENDS: matplotlib.pyplot.close(self._figure) return self._figure
def _line( self, from_xy: Tuple[float, float], to_xy: Tuple[float, float], lc: str = "k", ls: str = "-", lw: float = 2.0, zorder: int = PORDER_LINE, ) -> None: """ Draw a line. Parameters ---------- from_xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the start point. to_xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the end point. lc : str optional default="k" The color of the line. ls : str optional default="-" The style of the line. lw : float optional default=2.0 The width of the line. zorder : int optional default=PORDER_LINE The zorder of the line. """ from_x, from_y = from_xy to_x, to_y = to_xy self._ax.plot( [from_x, to_x], [from_y, to_y], color=lc, linestyle=ls, linewidth=lw, zorder=zorder, ) def _text( self, x: float, y: float, text: str, horizontalalignment: str = "center", verticalalignment: str = "center", fontsize: int = 20, color: str = "k", clip_on: bool = True, zorder: int = PORDER_TEXT, ) -> None: """ Draw a text. Parameters ---------- x : float The x position of the text. y : float The y position of the text. text : str The text to be drawn. horizontalalignment : str optional default="center" The horizontal alignment of the text. verticalalignment : str optional default="center" The vertical alignment of the text. fontsize : int optional default=20 The font size of the text. color : str optional default="k" The color of the text. clip_on : bool optional default=True If True, the text will be clipped. zorder : int optional default=PORDER_TEXT The zorder of the text. Notes ----- The fontsize will be adjusted by _fig_scale_factor. """ self._ax.text( x, y, text, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, verticalalignment=verticalalignment, fontsize=fontsize * self._fig_scale_factor, color=color, clip_on=clip_on, zorder=zorder, ) def _gate_with_size( self, gate: GateData, xy: Tuple[float, float], multi_gate_size: int ) -> None: """ Draw a gate with a specified size. Parameters ---------- gate : GateData The gate data to be drawn. xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate with the smallest index among the target bits. multi_gate_size : int The size of the gate. """ xpos, ypos = xy gate_width = _calc_gate_width(gate) # Find the midpoint of the y-coordinate of the gate with size ypos = ( ypos + ( ypos + (multi_gate_size - 1) * (GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP) ) ) * 0.5 multi_gate_height = GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT * multi_gate_size + ( GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) * (multi_gate_size - 1) box = patches.Rectangle( # The gate is centered. xy=(xpos - 0.5 * gate_width, ypos - 0.5 * multi_gate_height), width=gate_width, height=multi_gate_height, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k", linewidth=2.4, zorder=PORDER_GATE, ) self._ax.add_patch(box) if == "": latex_style_gate_str = "" else: try: latex_style_gate_str = f"${to_latex_style(}$" except KeyError: latex_style_gate_str = self._text(xpos, ypos, latex_style_gate_str) self._control_bits(gate.control_bit_infos, (xpos, ypos)) def _multi_gate(self, gate: GateData, xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """ Draw a multi-gate. (e.g., DensityMatrixGate) Parameters ---------- gate : GateData The gate data to be drawn. xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate with the smallest index among the target bits. """ xpos, ypos = xy multi_gate_data = GateData( groups_of_adjacent_gates = grouping_adjacent_gates(gate.target_bits) for i, adjacent_gates in enumerate(groups_of_adjacent_gates): group_x = xpos group_y = adjacent_gates[0] * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) self._gate_with_size( multi_gate_data, (group_x, group_y), len(adjacent_gates) ) if i == 0: # Show the name only for the first group (multi_gate) and hide the rest = "" # Gray line connecting the gates ypos = min(gate.target_bits) * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) to_ypos = max(gate.target_bits) * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) self._line((xpos, ypos), (xpos, to_ypos), lw=10, lc="gray") self._control_bits(gate.control_bit_infos, (xpos, ypos)) def _cnot(self, gate: GateData, xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """ Draw a CNOT gate. Parameters ---------- gate : GateData The gate data to be drawn. xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate indicating the target bit of CNOT. Raise ----- ValueError If the gate does not have a control bit. """ if gate.control_bit_infos is None: raise ValueError("control_bit_infos is None") elif gate.control_bit_infos == []: raise ValueError("control_bit_infos is empty") self._not_mark(xy) self._control_bits(gate.control_bit_infos, xy) def _not_mark(self, xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """ Draw a "NOT" mark used in CNOT etc. Parameters ---------- xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate indicating the target bit of NOT. """ xpos, ypos = xy TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS: Final[float] = 0.4 target = patches.Circle( xy=(xpos, ypos), radius=TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS, fc="w", ec="k", zorder=PORDER_GATE, ) self._ax.add_patch(target) # draw target qubit's "+" mark # | self._line( (xpos, ypos - TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS), (xpos, ypos + TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS), zorder=PORDER_TEXT, ) # - self._line( (xpos - TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS, ypos), (xpos + TARGET_QUBIT_RADIUS, ypos), zorder=PORDER_TEXT, ) def _control_bits( self, control_bit_infos: List[ControlQubitInfo], xy_from: Tuple[float, float] ) -> None: """ Draw control bits. Parameters ---------- control_bit_infos : List[ControlQubitInfo] The control bits to be drawn. xy_from : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate from which the control bits are connected. """ for info in control_bit_infos: control_bit = info.index to_ypos = control_bit * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) to_xpos = xy_from[0] self._line( xy_from, (to_xpos, to_ypos), ) if info.control_value == 0: ctl = patches.Circle( xy=(to_xpos, to_ypos), radius=0.15, fc="w", ec="k", linewidth=2.0, zorder=PORDER_GATE, ) else: ctl = patches.Circle( xy=(to_xpos, to_ypos), radius=0.15, fc="k", ec="w", linewidth=0, zorder=PORDER_GATE, ) self._ax.add_patch(ctl) def _swap(self, gate: GateData, xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """ Draw a SWAP gate. Parameters ---------- gate : GateData The gate data to be drawn. xy : Tuple[float, float] The position of the gate with the smaller index among the target bits. """ xpos, ypos = xy TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE: Final[float] = 0.2 for target_bit in gate.target_bits: to_ypos = target_bit * ( GATE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + GATE_MARGIN_BOTTOM + GATE_MARGIN_TOP ) self._line( (xpos, ypos), (xpos, to_ypos), ) # draw target qubit's "x" mark # \ self._line( (xpos - TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE, to_ypos - TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE), (xpos + TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE, to_ypos + TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE), ) # / self._line( (xpos + TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE, to_ypos - TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE), (xpos - TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE, to_ypos + TARGET_QUBIT_MARK_SIZE), )